"Outoja Tiloja" Media art happening 2022 ( Curated and produced )
"Vanha Asema" Art happening / ( Curated and produced )
"Makasiinit Haltuun" Squat art happening / ( Curated and produced )
"Tanssin kaupunki Rovaniemi" promo for dancefestival in Rovaniemi 2016
Rovaniemi midsummer celebration
Fire Art
Commercial/imago video 2015
R2 Productions
Arctic Potential - Rovaniemi
Commercial/imago video 2014
R2 Productions
Third Party vol.2 - Rovaniemi
Happening in the woods - 2013
VIsuals /DJ/ Organizer
Third party Collective
Valsan Karnevaalit SAPMI NEWS Rovaniemi
Happening - 2012
VIsuals /DJ/ Organizer editor and videographer in News
Pelasta Valsa Collective
Making of - Takaisin Puuhun - 2011
Producer/Script Julius Chavez - 2012
Script / editor Arttu Nieminen
Supreme Beings Cinematographer/editor Visual artist
Portraits of young people in the Helsinki part of the performance happening:
Supreme beings is an immersive performance designed for 12 – 18 year olds that is also a club, a new media work and a game. The work is part of the 2nd season of Mad House productions made by Kaiken keskus
© Arttu Nieminen